Evergreen Foundation Announces $493,614 in Funding for WNC Disability Agencies

The Evergreen Foundation board of directors voted at their June meeting to provide $493,614 in first quarter funding to twelve agencies providing programs and services for individuals with Behavioral Health, Substance Abuse and Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities. The grants were awarded through a competitive grant process to the agencies which are located throughout Western North Carolina.      

The following grants were awarded.

  • The Arc of Haywood County (Waynesville) $20,000 to provide continuation and expansion of their community living and supported employment programs serving adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and $3,825 for an Expressive Arts Therapy program for individuals served by The Arc.
  • Appalachian Community Services (Murphy) $20,000 to provide transportation for voluntarily committed consumers from throughout WNC who need to have a plan in place for transportation home after discharge from an inpatient psychiatric hospital; $39,366 to provide for the continuation of an alternative service for consumers with behavioral health and substance abuse, replacing the formerly state funded community support team; $60,000 to provide funding for the jail assessment and treatment programs in Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Macon, and Swain Counties; $12,557 to expand the office space and parking at their Russ Ave., Waynesville office; and $17,830 to provide safety and security enhancements to the Balsam Center in Haywood County to include monitoring cameras, security glass, outside security doors, and isolation room with security door.
  • Meridian Behavioral Health (Sylva) $47,450 to provide continuation funding for the Patient Assistance Program which assists consumers in receiving over $2,000,000 worth of free medications annually; $102,550 to support the provision of psychiatric services in WNC; and $27,000 to provide for the continuation of the jail treatment programs in Haywood and Jackson Counties.
  • Southwestern Child Development Commission (Webster) $50,000 to continue the implementation of the Nurse Family Partnership program which provides visiting nurses for first time mothers below poverty level in Haywood, Jackson, Macon and Swain Counties.
  • Clean Slate Coalition (Webster) $10,000 to provide for a part-time case manager in their residential training program for women who have been incarcerated or institutionalized and are now transitioning back into their communities.
  • Region A Partnership for Children (Sylva) $12,500 to provide a coordinator for the Family Support Network (FSN) of Region A, providing Support, Education and Outreach services to families of children with behavioral, mental health and/or developmental disabilities.
  • Mountain Projects (Waynesville) $11,504 to provide elder abuse victim assistance, education and outreach and coordination of services in Haywood County.
  • H.A.V.E.N. (Murphy) $5,000 to provide an opportunity for 10 of their community partners to attend the Child Abuse Symposium at Lake Junaluska in September.
  • Maple Leaf Adult Respite (Haywood) $21,717 to provide funding for an outdoor raised garden, outdoor furniture, and program supplies for their new center in Waynesville.
  • Elida Home (Asheville) $12,815 to assist with additional training costs allowing them to expand their family foster care program into the 7 WNC counties.
  • Clay County Schools (Hayesville) $6,400 to expand their Summer Discovery program and provide summer enrichment for children with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
  • Communities in Schools (Bryson City) $13,100 to implement the Strengthening Families Program, a substance abuse prevention program for youth 10-14 and their families.

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis with the next award cycle in September. The mission of the Evergreen Foundation is to improve access to and public awareness of quality prevention, treatment, and support services by the provider community to individuals and families with intellectual/developmental disabilities, behavioral health, and/or substance abuse needs in Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Haywood, Jackson, Macon and Swain counties. Activities of the Evergreen Foundation include: infrastructure to the service network; start up and service provision grants; scholarships to enhance the quality of the provider network; public awareness/education; fundraising to support Foundation activities; and advocacy on behalf of consumers and the provider network. To learn more about the Evergreen Foundation visit the web site at www.evergreenfoundationnc.org.